Children in Need

NGA are proud to be supporting Children in Need again this year, with different activities happening over the course of this week.
Wednesday: As is the custom at NGA, there will be a cake sale at break time for staff and students to buy.
Thursday: Student council students will be going round the courtyard with a 'guess the spots' sheet; students can pay 20p to guess how many there are and the nearest will win a prize!
Friday: The big finale! At lunch time in the gym, students will be able to pay 30p to watch members of staff be cream pied in the face. Students will also be able to pay £1 to do actually do the pieing! This has been an extremely popular activity in the past (we wonder why?!) so students should arrive early to ensure getting a ticket.
Students can also donate the old pound coins that can no longer be used to their tutors.
Students have also been encouraged to come up with their own creative ways of being sponsored (especially sponsored silences!) and sponsorship forms are available from the BBC website here or from Mrs Turner-Ramadan in B11.