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End of Term Notices - non-uniform day and INSET day

We wanted to remind parents and carers that tomorrow is the last day before pupils break up for half term (as Friday is an INSET day for staff).

All pupils return to school on Monday 20th February 2023 at 8.45am.

Non-Uniform Day for Turkey and Syria Relief

Following the tragedy of the earthquake that has killed thousands of people in Turkey and Syria we have decided to make Thursday (9th February 2023) a non-uniform day to raise some money for the relief work taking place. We ask for a voluntary donation of at least 50p for pupils not wearing uniform. Donations can be paid in cash to their tutor or via ParentPay. Following some suggestions from pupils we plan to donate the money raised to British Red Cross.

Clothing Donations

If you have any clean and serviceable clothing that you wish to donate to the appeal please bring these into school on Friday 10 February (INSET) as these will be collated at the weekend.